I'm working on a project to syndicate library content with RSS.... and learn .NET, C#, and AJAX

Friday, June 29, 2007

Successful RSS output creation

I may have gone about it in a backwards way, but I did actually produce valid RSS output today!!! I used a static List_ID, but got the Items from the rdb Items table. Below is my SQL query and also a screenshot. Also I discovered the ASP.NET 'Literal' which is what I used to tell my code-behind where to stick the RSS it generated. Bill used the ASP Repeater and a DataSet to fill it, and that might be smarter.

First, the SQL query:

SELECT Items.title, Items.default_abstract FROM [rdb-production].[dbo].Items INNER JOIN
([jewel-dev].[dbo].JMU_List_Items INNER JOIN [jewel-dev].[dbo].[JMU_Lists] ON [jewel-dev].[dbo].[JMU_List_Items].JMU_Lists_ID = [jewel-dev].[dbo].[JMU_Lists].List_ID)
ON [jewel-dev].[dbo].JMU_List_Items.Item_ID = [rdb-production].[dbo].Items.Item_ID
WHERE ([jewel-dev].[dbo].[JMU_Lists].List_ID = 38)

And the screenshot:

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