I'm working on a project to syndicate library content with RSS.... and learn .NET, C#, and AJAX

Monday, June 4, 2007

Searching PL and LEO - success!

So, while the goal of my project is really just to make an RSS-constructor using the R2 database, it's been on my mind that LEO Library Catalog and Periodical Locator are crying out to be included. Yesterday afternoon I wrote my first successful PL and LEO search !!! User types in a search term and app goes and gets results and displays on my app's page, with checkboxes that user can select to "save" results. (at the moment, results are 'saved' to another area of the screen). The LEO one needs to be improved by using the MARC fields instead of what I'm using now (HTML!) PL thougthfully has comment tags that look pretty reliable. I'm not under any illusion that a screenscraper like I've written is a long term solution, but it might be good enough for a prototype. AND... it leads to possibilities such as:

  • App to look up multiple ISBNs in LEO or other systems simultaneously; first by ISBN, then by title keyword(?)

Also, yesterday I was so happy to use the Regex() to write my first regular expression within C# -- I almost felt at home there for a minute.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh. This sounds interesting! Can't wait to see what kinds of interesting end results come out of the LEO/PL part of the puzzle...

Jody Condit Fagan (JCF) said...

Note: I remembered that we have an XML server for LEO. Deb says there's an issue with it at the moment, but sent the documentation along -- so the messy LEO part may be cleaned up more easily than I thought (after the server is fixed, anyway).