I'm working on a project to syndicate library content with RSS.... and learn .NET, C#, and AJAX

Thursday, June 28, 2007

ListMaker 1.0

Today was good; user can now select items from her result list, move them to temporary part of screen, then save to database. Also, user can view lists that they've previously made. I need to ask Bill about whether I really need to make relationships in my database or whether I can just always use INNER JOINs.

Here's another crazy ListMaker snapshot. Functional problems with the below (after moving into AJAX accordion) include the thing that looks like a bulleted list (it is a reorder list) which is not letting me add items (so I'm using the plain ListBox); the search box in the maroon no longer functions to search, because it is being used to accordion. But, I am hungry. More later. Oh, and b4 u say anything about the colors, they are just so I can see what is what :)

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