I'm working on a project to syndicate library content with RSS.... and learn .NET, C#, and AJAX

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Sat. and Sun. were spent with Margie - awesome - and Monday was Moving Meris and doing some JWL housekeeping and e-mail catching upping. Tuesday was SPT lunch (at which Kevin urged me to take a closer look at Zotero). I did do one more database-connection thingummy in the a.m. with my new JMU User Create Lists so there was a small accomplishment. I made my own label and populated it from my new db tables.

Also on Tuesday, had a great conversation with Bill: I'm gonna rip my JMU User Create Lists out of R2 and even make its own database, rather than tables within the R2 db, so it is easily portable, just in case it works. Also Bill showed me the GetDS method and other basic functions he calls in. Thank you, Bill.

Today (Wed.) I spent getting ready for the ALA Annual Conference, including poster session-related stuff. And working on the new Digital Services person paperwork. So, no programming, alas! Tomorrow I hope to be able to do a bit, but then Fri-Monday I will be in absentia. Grr...

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